DOT Hops Herbal Pillow

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Hops (Humulus lupulus)

Element: Air

The scent of Hops has been traditionally used for muscle relaxation and to aid sleep.

"From dried hops flowers, make a small flattish pillow. Place this under your normal pillow at night, as you turn and move your head the aroma will ensure continued muscle relaxation and restful sleep if you are the ‘Hops-type’. - Dorothy Hall (Hall 1988 p. 187).

“A pillow stuffed with hops is an old and successful mode of procuring sleep in the watchfulness of delirious fever”. - Dr. W.J. Simmonite (Simmonite 1957 p.29).

“Hops can be sewn into a pillow to help one to sleep. It has been used since the eighth century”. - Jeanne Rose, (Rose, 1972 p. 68).

“A pillow stuffed with dried hops brings on sleep and rest” - Scott Cunningham (Cunningham 2021 p. 141).

Designed and handmade by Jess. The idea to make herbal pillows was inspired by Jess’ readings of old traditional herbal texts and interest in herbal esoteric’s. Jess hopes that they may inspire people to reconnect with Nature and bring herbs into their daily lives.

NOTE: Photo’s show pillow covers only. Your pillow will be filled with herbs when packed, just prior to shipping.


Place the herbal pillow next to or under your pillow during sleep or relaxation.

You can very gently rub the pillow occasionally, as herbs will release more of their scent when bruised.


GOTs Certified Organic Calico is a sustainable, environmentally friendly material, safe for allergy sufferers and the chemically sensitive.

Please be aware that due to the nature of certified organic calico (unprocessed or untreated cotton) the material has a slight natural wrinkle throughout, which is only noticeable in certain lighting.

Fabric on the edges of pillows are cotton up-cycled off-cuts from quilting.


Organic Hops (Humulus lupulus) flowers grown in Australia.

NOTE: Hops has a distinct bitter, piney and earthy smell.


Approx. 17cm / 17cm


These ‘Herbal Pillows’ are inspired by traditional herbal knowledge and wisdom and are not intended as a healing tool or to replace medical care. If you have a health complaint please book a consultation with a Naturopath.


Cunningham, S. (2021). Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Minnesota, USA: Llewellyn Publications:

Hall, D. (1988). Dorothy Hall’s Herbal Medicine. Vic Australia: Lothian

Rose, J. (1972). Herbs & Things: Jeanne Rose’s Herbal. USA: Grosset & Dunlap.

Simmonite, W.J. & Culpeper, N. (1957). The Simmonite-Culpeper Herbal Remedies. Great Britain: W Foulsham & Co. LTD.

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Hops (Humulus lupulus)

Element: Air

The scent of Hops has been traditionally used for muscle relaxation and to aid sleep.

"From dried hops flowers, make a small flattish pillow. Place this under your normal pillow at night, as you turn and move your head the aroma will ensure continued muscle relaxation and restful sleep if you are the ‘Hops-type’. - Dorothy Hall (Hall 1988 p. 187).

“A pillow stuffed with hops is an old and successful mode of procuring sleep in the watchfulness of delirious fever”. - Dr. W.J. Simmonite (Simmonite 1957 p.29).

“Hops can be sewn into a pillow to help one to sleep. It has been used since the eighth century”. - Jeanne Rose, (Rose, 1972 p. 68).

“A pillow stuffed with dried hops brings on sleep and rest” - Scott Cunningham (Cunningham 2021 p. 141).

Designed and handmade by Jess. The idea to make herbal pillows was inspired by Jess’ readings of old traditional herbal texts and interest in herbal esoteric’s. Jess hopes that they may inspire people to reconnect with Nature and bring herbs into their daily lives.

NOTE: Photo’s show pillow covers only. Your pillow will be filled with herbs when packed, just prior to shipping.


Place the herbal pillow next to or under your pillow during sleep or relaxation.

You can very gently rub the pillow occasionally, as herbs will release more of their scent when bruised.


GOTs Certified Organic Calico is a sustainable, environmentally friendly material, safe for allergy sufferers and the chemically sensitive.

Please be aware that due to the nature of certified organic calico (unprocessed or untreated cotton) the material has a slight natural wrinkle throughout, which is only noticeable in certain lighting.

Fabric on the edges of pillows are cotton up-cycled off-cuts from quilting.


Organic Hops (Humulus lupulus) flowers grown in Australia.

NOTE: Hops has a distinct bitter, piney and earthy smell.


Approx. 17cm / 17cm


These ‘Herbal Pillows’ are inspired by traditional herbal knowledge and wisdom and are not intended as a healing tool or to replace medical care. If you have a health complaint please book a consultation with a Naturopath.


Cunningham, S. (2021). Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Minnesota, USA: Llewellyn Publications:

Hall, D. (1988). Dorothy Hall’s Herbal Medicine. Vic Australia: Lothian

Rose, J. (1972). Herbs & Things: Jeanne Rose’s Herbal. USA: Grosset & Dunlap.

Simmonite, W.J. & Culpeper, N. (1957). The Simmonite-Culpeper Herbal Remedies. Great Britain: W Foulsham & Co. LTD.

Hops (Humulus lupulus)

Element: Air

The scent of Hops has been traditionally used for muscle relaxation and to aid sleep.

"From dried hops flowers, make a small flattish pillow. Place this under your normal pillow at night, as you turn and move your head the aroma will ensure continued muscle relaxation and restful sleep if you are the ‘Hops-type’. - Dorothy Hall (Hall 1988 p. 187).

“A pillow stuffed with hops is an old and successful mode of procuring sleep in the watchfulness of delirious fever”. - Dr. W.J. Simmonite (Simmonite 1957 p.29).

“Hops can be sewn into a pillow to help one to sleep. It has been used since the eighth century”. - Jeanne Rose, (Rose, 1972 p. 68).

“A pillow stuffed with dried hops brings on sleep and rest” - Scott Cunningham (Cunningham 2021 p. 141).

Designed and handmade by Jess. The idea to make herbal pillows was inspired by Jess’ readings of old traditional herbal texts and interest in herbal esoteric’s. Jess hopes that they may inspire people to reconnect with Nature and bring herbs into their daily lives.

NOTE: Photo’s show pillow covers only. Your pillow will be filled with herbs when packed, just prior to shipping.


Place the herbal pillow next to or under your pillow during sleep or relaxation.

You can very gently rub the pillow occasionally, as herbs will release more of their scent when bruised.


GOTs Certified Organic Calico is a sustainable, environmentally friendly material, safe for allergy sufferers and the chemically sensitive.

Please be aware that due to the nature of certified organic calico (unprocessed or untreated cotton) the material has a slight natural wrinkle throughout, which is only noticeable in certain lighting.

Fabric on the edges of pillows are cotton up-cycled off-cuts from quilting.


Organic Hops (Humulus lupulus) flowers grown in Australia.

NOTE: Hops has a distinct bitter, piney and earthy smell.


Approx. 17cm / 17cm


These ‘Herbal Pillows’ are inspired by traditional herbal knowledge and wisdom and are not intended as a healing tool or to replace medical care. If you have a health complaint please book a consultation with a Naturopath.


Cunningham, S. (2021). Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Minnesota, USA: Llewellyn Publications:

Hall, D. (1988). Dorothy Hall’s Herbal Medicine. Vic Australia: Lothian

Rose, J. (1972). Herbs & Things: Jeanne Rose’s Herbal. USA: Grosset & Dunlap.

Simmonite, W.J. & Culpeper, N. (1957). The Simmonite-Culpeper Herbal Remedies. Great Britain: W Foulsham & Co. LTD.