Why DOT?


Why DOT?

Symbolically a DOT can represent a new beginning that allows for new life. Or, it can be an end point, leading to transformation and rebirth.

In Sanskrit, the ancient written language of India, the word Bindu means point or DOT and the void inside the DOT is viewed as having infinite creative potential. DOT represents the potent seed of the manifestation of the whole cosmos.

Chuang Tzu, an influential Chinese philosopher, explains DOT as balance and harmony. The DOT being the origin of meditation with its aim in spiritual assimilation.

The concept of DOT also aligns with naturopathic practice. Connecting the DOTs is what we do as naturopathic practitioners in order to gain a holistic understanding of the individual. We connect the DOTs to your health puzzle by linking cause and effect between multiple body systems while considering an individuals vitality and constitution. The DOTs reveal a dynamic interplay and inform the practitioner’s treatment.

DOT Naturopathic Dispensary believes small changes can lead to big things, as with the expansion of a DOT, or one’s potential. It is our hope that you feel empowered to reach your full potential, improve physical, emotional and spiritual health, find balance and harmony, and ultimately improve the way you choose to move through the world.

“Adopt the pace of Nature: her secret is patience.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Everything starts with a dot”

- Wassily Kandinsky