The Higher Prevalence of Autoimmunity in Women

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I’m sure you are thinking….Don’t women have to deal with enough? I hear you ladies!

Women experience autoimmune disease more so than men, with women making up 78% of all people suffering from autoimmune.……but why is this?

Recent research suggests this may be due to hormonal or endocrinological changes unique to women throughout life such as puberty and menopause, and for some, pregnancy and breastfeeding. These hormonal fluctuations result in significant impacts on the immune system and having a history of autoimmune disease can further increase susceptibility to future autoimmune conditions (Desai & Briton 2019).

Concentrations of female hormones in the blood across a lifetime, in conjunction with one’s genetics and inflammatory responses can all have effects on the immune system. These effects can lead to a loss of immune regulation, resulting in higher incidence of autoimmunity in women (Desai & Briton 2019).


Desai & Briton (2019). Autoimmune Disease in Women: Endocrine Transition and Risk Across the Lifespan. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 1-19. 10:264. Doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00265.


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