Connect the DOTs to your health & vitality

  • Naturopath - Jessica Caven

    Naturopath - Jessica Caven

    As a degree qualified Naturopath Jess is committed to helping her patients connect the DOT’s to their health.

    Having ‘lived experience’ with chronic disease at a young age Jess understands the complexities involved in navigating illness and returning to optimal health.

  • Consultations / Bookings

    Consultations / Bookings

    Connect the DOTs and BOOK:

    FREE 15 min Discovery Calls

    Initial Consultations

    Follow up Consultations

    Acute Consultations

  • DOT Shop

    DOT Shop

    DOT Shop Nature Treasures

    DOT Herbal Scrunchies

    DOT Herbal Pillows

    DOT Herbal Ally Necklace

    DOT Herb Bottle Drip Cloths

  • Herbal Weed Walks

    Herbal Weed Walks

    Join Jess for a herbal weed walk. Learn about wild herb identification, edible and medicinal plants, avoiding poisonous varieties and learn sustainable foraging and wildcrafting practices.

  • Nature Connection

    Nature Connection

    Nature Connection Experiences Coming Soon.

    Vis medicatrix naturea (The Healing Power of Nature)

  • DOT Herb Garden

    DOT Herb Garden

    Herb garden inspiration and identifications page.

  • Blog


    A blog about herbs, health and the natural world. In DOT Reads I discuss the standout books I’ve been reading.

  • Contact

    DOT Contact Information

    Contact information.


  • Jessica from DOT Naturopathic Dispensary is AMAZING! She totally fixed my menopause symptoms and due to her holistic approach I have never felt better! I highly recommend Jess.


  • I highly recommend the services of DOT Naturopathic Dispensary. Jessica is AMAZING, extremely attentive, and exceptionally knowledgeable. She goes above and beyond for her clients in providing a unique holistic health experience with lasting health results.


  • Jess has helped me get my health back on track and worked with my GP to slowly get me off medications safely. I never believed I could feel this good at my age. Incredible work Jess.


DOT Clinic Hours

Mondays: 12pm - 5pm

Tuesdays: 12pm - 8pm

Wednesdays: 12pm - 7pm

Consultations are conducted via Telehealth (online).

Physical examinations will be conducted in clinic periodically.

Book a Consultation

Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)