DOT Naturopathic Dispensary

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Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Nettle (Urtica dioica)

When you find a collection of your old childhood books and while you are flicking through them memories pour in and you know deep inside that you were destined to become a herbalist / naturopath.

“Jinky had gone to hide in a perfect little forest of tall green plants. They were nettles! He had run between them, brushing against the stalks and leaves and then, how his hands and face hurt him, for the nettles had stung him hard!” from ‘The Adventures of Pip’ by Enid Blyton.

Nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf is rich in antioxidants, chlorophyll, sulphur, calcium, B vitamins - B1, B2, B9, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, silica, beta-carotene, magnesium and protein.

Nettle Leaf Herbal Actions: Anti-allergic, depurative, styptic and anti-rheumatic.

Nettle Plant Spirit Qualities: “Nettle helps to bring bring back your joie de vivre. It’s sting shocks us out of self-doubt, self-loathing and complacency, and helps us to smile and laugh again. It strengthens our life-force when we feel stuck or paralysed, and helps us to feel there is light at the end of the tunnel and that life is worth living” from Wildcraft by Medical Herbalist, Heidi Merika.

Nettles have a strong sting when touched, and are also referred to as ‘stinging nettle’, so gloves are needed when foraging or you will end up like poor little Jinky in The Adventures of Pip. The sting can be silenced by drying, blending or placing leaves in boiling water for a minute. Dunking leaves into cold water, briefly, straight after cooking helps retain Nettles vibrant green colour. Use to make Nettle pesto, soup or add to salads and pasta.

Jinky, in 'The Adventures of Pip', wrapped a cool dock leaf over his stings. Dock often grows close by Nettle and the juice of Dock is an antidote to the Nettle sting as is nettle juice itself.

Revisiting simple pleasures from our childhood can help us connect the DOTs to our passions and deep joy, which ultimately is at the essence of true holistic health.